Supported By IJMS

Choose Your Ticket

Virtual Limited (CLOSED)

  • 24-hour limited virtual access to
  • Academic Symposium
  • General Public Conference
  • 6+ hours of pre-recorded content
  • 15 speakers
  • 18 presentations
  • PDF printable program

Access ends Sep 13 at 9 am MT/UTC-6

Virtual VIP

  • 30-day virtual access
    (Sep 12, 2024 – Oct 12, 2024) to
  • Academic Symposium
  • General Public Conference
  • 20+ hours of pre-recorded content
  • 40+ speakers
  • 45+ presentations
  • PDF printable program
  • Certificate of Attendance

Access ends Oct 12 at 9 am MT/UTC-6

Virtual Premium (CEU)

Learn about CEUs

  • 90-day virtual access to
  • Academic Symposium
  • General Public Conference
  • 20+ hours of pre-recorded content
  • 40+ speakers
  • 45+ presentations
  • PDF printable program
  • Certificate of Attendance
  • CEU from Southern Utah University

Access ends Dec 12 at 9 am MT/UTC-6

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