Why Present at the H2 Summit?

Professional Growth
Get a discounted APC to publish in IJMS, a high quality journal with Impact Factor of 5.6. Compete in a Poster Competition for those early in their career. See presentations from top scientific researchers in the hydrogen industry.
Promote your research to others and potentially increase your citations. Get your research and presentation in front of other top researchers to spread awareness of the great work you are doing. Lastly, increase the awareness of hydrogen as a potential therapeutic medical gas to the general public.
Through presentations, participants share their research findings and insights. This open exchange of knowledge fosters a collaborative environment where attendees learn from each other’s experiences and expertise. All presenters get access to the conference for free.
Presentation Ideas
Consider giving multiple presentations in the academic symposium, to the general public, or both. Presentations may vary ranging from 10 min to 45 min. Below are some ideas you could consider.

Academic Symposium Ideas

General Public Ideas
We would also encourage you to invite members of your lab to present by filling out the submission form. In this way, you can ensure that the research from your lab gets diverse exposure providing opportunities for many to participate.
Abstract Submission Process
Thank you for your interest in presenting at the H2 Summit! One speaker may present multiple times. Please submit an abstract for each presentation you would like to do. Keep in mind the audience you are presenting to when naming and preparing your presentation. Abstract submissions are subject to peer review from the organizing committee to help maintain the scientific integrity and accuracy of the presentations. Additionally, all accepted conference abstracts will be published in the IJMS Special Issue under the conference proceedings section. To submit your abstract, email it to If your abstract is accepted, you will receive an email notification with instructions on preparing your pre-recorded presentation for the virtual summit.