Program Schedule
Prepare for a knowledge-packed journey at the H2 Summit by MHI! This summit has an impressive lineup of speakers who are leading academics, scientists, researchers, doctors, medical professionals, and more. Our speakers are ready to share their research on the applications of molecular hydrogen from biomedicine and health, sports medicine and longevity, to food and agriculture. This is your exclusive opportunity to learn from the best experts and pioneers shaping the conversation.
- Welcome to the first-ever Virtual H2 Summit! | Opening by Tyler W. LeBaron, MSc., PhD. | Academic Symposium (A) & General Public Conference (G) Free Preview
- H2 Summit Program & Book of Abstracts Free Preview
- Welcome to the H2 Summit – text Free Preview
- The Origin Story Behind The H2 Summit Free Preview
- Supporting Entities Free Preview
- 9:00: Welcome to the first-ever Virtual H2 Summit! | Opening by Tyler W. LeBaron, MSc., PhD. | Academic Symposium (A) & General Public Conference (G) Free Preview
- 9:15 AM: Opening Keynote by the Organizers: Hydrogen Gas as a Treatment for Ischemia in ECPR Events | Prof. John Kheir, MD. | (A&G) Free Preview
- 10:00 AM: Invited Guest Opening Keynote: Overview of Hydrogen Medicine from the Intiation to Future Mission | Prof. Shigeo Ohta, PhD. | (A&G) Free Preview
- 10:45 AM: Break (A&G) Free Preview
- Learn about the species of hydrogen (G) (“Extra” Video) Free Preview
- H2 Summit Program & Book of Abstracts Free Preview
- Welcome to Breakout Session I | (A&G)
- Molecular Hydrogen as a Potential Modulator of Brain Metabolism | Prof. Sergej M. Ostojic, MD, PhD. | (A&G)
- Molecular Hydrogen: Brief Overview of History, Action and Uses | Prof. John Hancock, PhD. | (A&G)
- From Energy to Evolution: The Origin of Hydrogen Functions in Eukaryote | Prof. Xuemei Ma, PhD. | (A&G)
- From the Fundamental Principle of H2 Medicine to the Development of H2-delivering Biomaterials | Prof. Qianjun He, PhD. | (A&G)
- The Place of Hydrogen in the Family of Medical Gases | Prof. Eugene Iv. Nazarov, MSc., PhD. | (A)
- Therapeutic Potential of Hydrogen Gas in Mitigating Redox Dysregulation and Pathologies | Prof. Svetlana N. Radyuk, PhD. | (A&G)
- What Does Molecular Hydrogen Do in Cells? Explaining the Biological Effects | Prof. John Hancock, PhD. | (A&G)
- Orchestration of Intestinal Homeostasis and Inflammation by Microbial Hydrogen Economy | Prof. Li Ge, PhD. | (A)
- Molecular hydrogen inhibits neuroinflammation after traumatic brain injury by promoting microglia M2 polarization via AMPK-dependent mediation of HDAC5 | Prof. Wanchao Yang, MD, PhD. | (A)
- Evolutionary Role of Hydrogen: Investigating Hydrogenase Enzymes and Whether Orthologs are Found in the Human Proteome | Grace Russell, MSc, PhD. | (A&G)
- Neuroprotective Effects and Mechanisms of Molecular Hydrogen for Neurological Disorders | Jiayuan Zhai, PhD. Student | (A)
- Theory of H2 Activity: Exploring the potential mechanisms | Grace Russell, MSc, PhD. | (A&G)
- Welcome to the Breakout Session II | (A&G)
- Alleviation of systemic oxidative stress by intraoperative molecular hydrogen administration | Prof. Jan Slezak, MD., DSc. | (A&G)
- Hydrogen Nanobubbles Protect the Heart from Oxidative Damage | Dr. Garth L. Nicolson, PhD, MD (H) | (A)
- Therapeutic potential of hydrogen-rich water on muscle atrophy caused by immobilization in a mouse model | Prof. Majid Khazaei, MD., PhD. | (A&G)
- Hydrogen: A novel mitochondrial nutrient | Prof. Jiangang Long, PhD. (A&G)
- Promising Role of Drinking Hydrogen-rich Water (HRW) on Obesity-induced Oxidative Damage, Inflammation, and Statin-induced Adverse Effects in High-fat Diet Animal Model | Dr. Seyedeh Elnaz Nazari, PhD. (A&G)
- Molecular Hydrogen as a New Prevention and Treatment Option for Radiation-induced Heart Disease | Branislav Kura, RNDr., PhD. (A)
- Hydrogen Inhalation Therapy for Post-Cardiac Arrest Syndrome: A Novel and Promising Approach | Prof. Masaru Suzuki, MD, PhD. (A&G)
- Hydrogen Inhalation for Improving Health and Quality of Life (QoL) in the Elderly | Asst. Prof Darinka Korovljev, PhD. | (A)
- Molecular hydrogen: prospective treatment strategy of kidney damage after cardiac surgery | Barbora Kalocayova, MSc., PhD. (A)
- Stem Cell Priming: Potential Benefits of Intraosseous Hydrogen Therapy | Dr. Mikhail Artamonov, MD, PhD. (A&G)
- Hydrogen Rich-water as a New Therapy for Neuropathic Pain and the Emotional Disorders Associated | Dr. Olga Pol, PhD. | (A)
- Therapeutic Effects of HRW on Sleep Apnea | Yuxi Wei, MSc. candidate | (A)
- Hydrogen-rich Water as an Adjunct Treatment in Sport Injuries | Dejan Javorac, MSc. | (A)
- Effects of HRW on Blood Pressures Variability | Prof Dr Ram B Singh, MBBS, MD, DTNH | (A)
- The Therapeutic Potential of Oxyhydrogen Gas in Oncology: A Study on Epstein–Barr Virus-Immortalized B-Lymphoblastoid (TK6) Cells | Grace Russell, MSc, PhD. | (A&G)
- Experience in the use of molecular hydrogen and a mixture of hydrogen-nitric oxide in heart surgery under conditions of artificial blood circulation | Prof. Eugene Iv. Nazarov, MSc., PhD. | (A)
- Hydrogen Bath as an Innovative Approach to Improve Post-exercise Recovery | Nikola Todorović, MSc. | (A)
- The Impact of Hydrogen-rich Water on Cytokine Expression and Symptom Relief in Patients with Keloid | Prof. Youbin Wang, MD. | (A)
- The Role of Mast Cells in Remodeling Effects of Molecular Hydrogen on the Lung Local Tissue Microenvironment | Dr. Dmitrii Atiakshin, MD. | (A)
- Take a break – Have lunch
- Welcome to Breakout Session III | (A&G)
- Drinking Hydrogen-Rich Water Can Enhance the Nutritional Benefits of Foods | Prof. Duried Alwazeer, PhD. | (G)
- Antioxidant effect of hydrogen-rich water might be higher in high gut microbiota methane (CH4) -producers | Prof. Oleg S. Medvedev, MD, PhD. (G)
- Use of Hydrogen in Food Processes Improves the Nutritional, Sensory, and Physicochemical Properties and Extends the Shelf Life of Product | Prof. Duried Alwazeer, PhD. | (A&G)
- Hydrogen intake relieves alcohol consumption and hangover symptoms in healthy individuals: a randomized and placebo-controlled crossover study | Prof. Guohua Song, PhD. | (A&G)
- Oxidative Modification of Proteins in Colorectal Cancer Under the Influence of 5-Fluorouracil and Molecular Hydrogen | Prof. Oleh Pokotylo, PhD. (A)
- The Beneficial Effects of Hydrogen-rich Saline Irrigation on Allergic Rhinitis | Prof. Dr. Shaoqing Yu, PhD. | (A)
- Hydrogen Application in Food Processes Enhances the Safety of Product | Prof. Duried Alwazeer, PhD. | (A&G)
- Hydrogen as potential coral medicine: A promising approach in the battle against coral bleaching? | Malte Ostendarp, PhD. Candidate | (A)
- Welcome to Breakout Session III | (A&G)
- Why are People Skeptical of Molecular Hydrogen? Addressing Myths and Facts About Molecular Hydrogen | Tyler W. LeBaron, MSc., PhD. | (A&G)
Hydrogen, Life Energy | Prof. Kyu Jae Lee, MD, PhD. | (G) - Hydrogen Water: Revolutionary Health Boost or Mere Hype? | Dr. Gagandeep Dhillon, MD., MBA | (A&G)
- New Concept of Using Hydrogen for Health | Prof. Xuejun Sun, PhD. | (A&G)
- Unlocking the Health Potential of Molecular Hydrogen: A New Frontier in Medicine | Bob Settineri, MS. | (A)
- Discover Hydrogen: Your New Secret to Staying Healthy and Strong! | Bob Settineri, MS. | (G)
- Hydrogen and Methane-rich Water with Lactulose Breath Test for Measuring Gut Hydrogen and Methane Kinetics | Prof. Oleg S. Medvedev, MD., PhD. | (A)
- Current Status and Prospects of Hydrogen Medicine Research in China | Prof. Shucun Qin, MD., PhD. | (A&G)
- Welcome to the Closing Session | (A&G)
- Invited Guest Closing Academic Keynote: Hydrogen exerts its effects on a variety of diseases as a signaling molecule | Prof. Kinji Ohno, PhD. | (A)
- Invited Guest Closing General Public Keynote: Molecular Hydrogen as a Useful Gas for Slow-aging | Prof. Mami Noda, PhD. | (G)
- Closing Remarks | Tyler W. LeBaron, MSc., PhD. | (A&G)
- Thank you for attending
About this Event
$325$275 - CEU option $200 (Access Until Dec 12)
- 68+ Lessons
- 19+ hours of video content
Detailed Program Schedule
This schedule is a work in progress and has not been finalized. We are organizing information and presentations as we get them.