What is a CEU at the H2 Summit?

What is a CEU?
A Continuing Education Unit (CEU) is a standard measure used in continuing education programs, particularly those required in licensed professions, to maintain credentials and professional skills. One CEU typically represents ten contact hours of participation in an organized, non-credit educational experience under responsible sponsorship, capable direction, and qualified instruction.
CEUs are valuable for professionals who need to stay current with new developments in their fields, fulfill professional development requirements, or enhance their qualifications. CEUs indicate that a professional has participated in an educational experience, like the H2 Summit, with a focus on maintaining or learning new skills/information.
The H2 Summit proudly offers a CEU through Southern Utah University (SUU), an accredited institution. A CEU serves as a valuable tool for professionals to demonstrate their commitment to continuous learning and professional development, especially in fields where ongoing education is required to maintain licensure or professional status.

What do you get when you purchase the Virtual Premium (CEU) ticket?
By attending the Virtual H2 Summit, you have the opportunity to earn 1 CEU through Southern Utah University (SUU). Here’s what you receive when you choose the CEU option:
- Certification: Receive an official institutional certificate from Southern Utah University upon completion.
- Longer Access: Gain 90-day access to all summit presentations.
- Learning: Complete a minimum of 10 hours of content to earn a CEU.
- Digital Badge: Receive a digital badge to share on your LinkedIn profile, resume, and social media.